Final Project.

Typography  Final Project.
June 14 - June 28 (Week 11 to Week 13)
Kim Chan Hee 0334532
Typography Poster.

Week 11.
Lecture 9.
Type for print.
. Type was first designed intended for reading from print long before we read from screen.
.A good typeface for print are Calson, Garamond and Baskerville, because of their characteristics which are elegant and intellectual and can be highly readable from small font size.
Type for screen.
.Typefaces untended use on web are optimized and often modified to enhance readability and performance on screen on variety of environments.
.This can include taller x-heights , adjusting the ascender and descender , wider letterforms and others.
. Typefaces intended for smaller sizes have more open spacing to enhance more readability in the non-print environment.

A hyperlink is a word, phrase or image that you can click onto jump onto a new section with the current document .They are nearly found in all web pages.

Font size for screen.
16pixel text on screen is the same size as the text on books and magazines.


Week 11.
For week 11 we first did our idea sketch for the final Project where we had to choose any phrase and create a typography poster out of it.Where I chose the phrase 'Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I'm possible', but however Mr.Vinod told me that the phrase is too long and that nothing is impossible is enough, so I decided to do only 'nothing is impossible.' Below are my idea sketches.
Typography Poster 'Nothing is Impossible ' fig 1.1

Week 12.
For week 12 we were to show our digitized artworks using illustrator where I tried to arrange the typography words into different ways black and white and below are the digitized works.
Typography Poster 'Nothing is Impossible ' fig 1.2

Typography Poster 'Nothing is Impossible ' fig 1.3

Week 13.
After feedback, I wanted to Express nothing is impossible by breaking through glasses meaning to break through the obstacles of life .
Typography Nothing is Impossible  Poster fig 1.3

First, I made the broken glass first as a background for the poster.

Typography poster Nothing is Impossible fig.1.4
Then I overlapped two typography of 'Impossible', first in grey and second in catchy color like yellow so it will stand out more on black background.
Typography poster Nothing is Impossible fig.1.5

Then I added the phrase 'Nothing is' on top of the main typography.

Typography poster Nothing is Impossible fig.1.6

Then I added more shattered glasses on top of the typography to give more impact onto it.

Typography poster Nothing is Impossible fig.1.7
 Then I made the gif for the typography poster using illustrator.
Typography poster Nothing is Impossible fig.1.8
After arranging all the artboards I create frame animation using photoshop and export it as gif.
Typography poster Nothing is Impossible fig.1.9 gif
This is my final gif where I intentionally made the speed very fast like it is popping out and breaking the glass wall.

Week 11.
Mr.Vinod and Mr.Shamsul told me that for my project two, the fonts look interesting but, the alphabet 'd' is too thick. For my idea sketch for final project they told me that I should improve more on how to arrange the fonts into more interesting way.

Week 12.
Mr.Vinod and Mr.Shamsul told me that I should improve more on how to arrange thr fonts and that I have to improve a lot and do more research for inspirations.

Week 11.
I research for more typography posters done by the others through pinterest and learned how the others arrange their fonts and what are the ideas behind it.

Week 12.
I look around how the others did and research for more inspirations and found some interesting ideas and thought that I must work more harder on it.

Week 13.
I was glad that I was able to finish on time and it came out the way I want.

Week 11.
I found out that many students have found some interesting phrases.

Week 12.
Many of the students have been almost done and I thought that I should be really fast and work more harder.

Week 13.
I liked some of the students works as their was very creative and nicely done.

Week 11.
I learned that I should work more on how to arrange the  fonts in more creative way and do more research on it.

Week 12.
I learned that I should be more quicker on doing my process and do more research on how the others did。

Week 13.
I should do more research and find more inspirations on different websites like pinterest and others.

Further readings.
Further Reading Type style finder fig.1.10
I learned about alphabet stucture and variation, drawn with a minimum strokes and each  archetypal  as different from the others , where some alphabets like E,F,J H,L and I are historically and visually related. They are similar in that way only composed by horizontal and vertical strokes, just different enough to be distinguished easily. The letters also vary from archetypes from only six aspects: weight, contrast, width ,posture ,case and style. However, although they all appear in different forms they convey the same message in letterforms.
