Design Principle exercise 7.

Kim Chan Hee
Bachelor in design creative media.

Exercise 7.
For our exercise 7, we were to make a collage by cutting out things from anything. Where I bought some magazines for it, and while looking through it I decided to make a collage about Goddesses of moon Artemis.

                            These are the magazines I used to make a collage.

                               These are the cut-out items ready to be used.

                                                            First layer for the collage.

                              Second layer for collage.

                          The final outcome for exercise 7. A woman wearing a long lace dress is the goddesses of the moon where I put the background of the night sky with a moon and below there are the maidens who worship the goddesses watching her.This piece represents Harmony in the way that these things might be different yet they all work together and I tried to match the colors together.

Ms.Sherry commented that I have shown movement by the huge dress and flowers that up to down and shown harmony by unifying the different features into one.
