Design Principle Ilham Gallery.

Design Principle Ilham Gallery.

On the 29th of May, we went to see the exhibition held at the Ilham gallery of Chia Yu Chian: Private lives and Rediscovering Forgotten Thai Masters of Photography. Chia-Yu Chian is a Malaysian artist, who was born in Penang and moved to Malaysia for his career as an artist. Where he paints and captures the moment of the daily lifestyle of the people in all parts of the cities. As I looked around I liked the way how he mixed different colors, to add texture and express emotions or the atmosphere of that moment at that time. Even though his artwork, might not really look like a hyper-realistic painting, I think this is the reason why his paintings look more attractive and special since he is using his own way of style to draw and paint and actually if closely observe we can see that the paintings are quite very detailed.

I personally like this painting of people playing around the water, because it looks very peaceful and put my mind into ease, and I also liked the colors he used to paint this artwork.

This artwork contains the design principle of perspective and movement. As the cars moving towards the inside creates movement in the picture and the buildings help to create more perspective view in the painting.

The two paintings of the women in the painting contain the design principle of patterns, where the dress they are wearing have different kinds of patterns consisting of a variety of colors where the painting containing only one person in the painting and the background color makes the patterns look more standout in the paintings.

This are one of the sketches he drew, which can be a design principles of lines, and show the progress of how the artist first do sketches before painting his artwork.

After looking around the exhibition of Chia Yu Chian, we went to see the Rediscovering Forgotten Thai Masters of Photography, which is about showing pictures taken by seven photographers that show how was it like in 1959s to 1970s in Thailand. Which I liked it very much as it was interesting to see the fashion styles and how they were in the past, very vintage and nice.

This picture of a woman with white dress posing like a ballerina in a black background, shows contrast and making the woman more the standout, and looks very elegant with the pose and dress.

I like the silhouette of the woman captured into a photo using the lights and I think it express  the lines and structure of a human well and this picture also contains the design principle of contrast.
