
Showing posts from June, 2019

Final Project.

Typography  Final Project. June 14 - June 28 (Week 11 to Week 13) Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Typography Poster. Lectures. Week 11. Lecture 9. Type for print. . Type was first designed intended for reading from print long before we read from screen. .A good typeface for print are Calson, Garamond and Baskerville, because of their characteristics which are elegant and intellectual and can be highly readable from small font size. Type for screen. .Typefaces untended use on web are optimized and often modified to enhance readability and performance on screen on variety of environments. .This can include taller x-heights , adjusting the ascender and descender , wider letterforms and others. . Typefaces intended for smaller sizes have more open spacing to enhance more readability in the non-print environment. Hyperactive/hyperlink. A hyperlink is a word, phrase or image that you can click onto jump onto a new section with the current document .They are nearly found in all web pag

Project 2 Design Principle.

Project 2. Kim Chan Hee 0334532 For our project 2 we were to choose a place and express this place using any mediums only from the photos that are taken by us , where I decided to use photoshop for it and chose a place called 'purple cane', which is a tea house located near Pasar seni mrt station. The reason I chose this place is because I really like this place and felt like my own Azit where it is not really crowded and sometimes I am the only one who comes here, where it is really quiet and peaceful with many trees and the kind of traditional interior soothes my mind and help me to think of more ideas and inspirations for my assignments. Above are the photos I took to use for the assignments and edit.              These are my process for the final work using photoshop, where I cut out each of the items using brush tool. This is my final work for the project two where I want to make it look harmonious with calm, quiet atmosphere warm a

Design Principle exercise 7.

Kim Chan Hee 334532 Bachelor in design creative media. Exercise 7. For our exercise 7, we were to make a collage by cutting out things from anything. Where I bought some magazines for it, and while looking through it I decided to make a collage about Goddesses of moon Artemis.                             These are the magazines I used to make a collage.                                These are the cut-out items ready to be used.                                                             First layer for the collage.                               Second layer for collage.                           The final outcome for exercise 7. A woman wearing a long lace dress is the goddesses of the moon where I put the background of the night sky with a moon and below there are the maidens who worship the goddesses watching her.This piece represents Harmony in the way that these things might be different yet they all work together and I tried to match the colors to

Design Principle Project one self portrait.

Self Portrait assignment. For our assignment for self portrait,  I decided to do a surrealism as I like surrealism and wanted to Express myself with it. This is the photo I used as reference to draw my face. I sketch down my design using 2B pencil first lightly. Then again I used 0.1 pen to sketch following the lines I drew with pencil so that it will be more easier for me to color it clearly. This is my final outcome. For the self portrait I decided to use color pencils as I liked the texture and I wanted to use lots of pastel colors to Express me as I don't believe that only one color can Express a person. Which I colored the face with it as face is one of the best way to Express emotions. Aslo the I drew a moon phase on my head because one of thing that symbolizes me is full moon because it was my nickname from childhood since my face is round like the moon. Also I drew two hands that are comforting me coming out from the hole in my heart, as I am tryin

Project 2 Font Design.

Kim Chan Hee (0334532) Typography Project 2 Font Design. Lecture notes. Week 7. 17 May 2019. We learned about Text/Tracking: Kerning and Letterspacing. Kerning means the automatic adjustment of space between letters. It can be mistaken for letterspacing but, letterspacing is just adding a space between the letters. Where the addition and removal of space in a word or sentence is tracking. Week8. 24 May 2019. There was no lecture conducted, but we learned how to use FontLab. Week 9. 31 May 2019. Text/Indicating paragraphs. There are several options for indicating paragraphs such as 'pilcrow'.A holdover from medieval manuscripts seldom uses today. If the line space is 12pt then the paragraph space is 12pt, which ensures cross-alignment across columns of text. Text/Windows and Orphans. In traditional typesetting, there are two unpardonable gaffes, widows and orphans. A widow is a short line of the type left alone at the end of a column of text. An orphan