Final Compilation Advanced Typography

Kim Chan Hee 0334532
Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media.
Final Compilation Advanced Typography.



Project one

Project two

Final Project


Exercise one.

fig 1.1 Axial
fig 1.2 Radial

fig 1.3 Dilatational
fig 1.4 Grid

fig 1.5 Modular
fig 1.6 Transtitional
fig 1.7 Bilateral
fig 1.8 Random

Exercise two.

fig 1.9 Exercise two Color Pencils
fig 1.10 Exercise two final outcome

Exercise two Part two.

fig 1.11 Exercise two part two final outcome

Project one.
fig 1.12 Project one final outcome

Project two.
fig 1.13 Microsite
fig 1.14 Microsite
fig 1.15 Microsite
fig 1.16 Microsite
fig 1.17 Microsite
fig 1.18 Microsite
fig 1.20 Microsite
fig 1.21 Microsite

Final Project.

fig 1.22 Final Project

fig 1.23 Final Project

fig 1.24 Final Project

fig 1.25 Final Project

fig 1.26 Final Project

fig 1.27 Final Project

fig 1.28 Final Project

fig 1.29 Final Project


Week 14.

General feedback: We have to put JPGS with captions for exercise one typographic system , and the display source imageof developed typrface for exercise two finding type and for Project two , we need to put screen grab of the microsite and the link.



I was very worried about my projects,because I knew I still lack of many skills and need to work hard to improve on it, and try my best to do according to the feedback given to me.


In the class, I was able to see how the others did by looking around and saw how different and unique each ones outcomes are and was very fascinated and inspired from it.


I was able to find lots of inspirations by researching on websites like Pinterest and see how famous graphic designers did their works and I was able to gain information by reading books from the library. 
