Project two Advanced Typography.

Kim Chan Hee 0334532
Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media.
Project Two Advanced Typography.

Lecture notes.

Week 7.

For week 7, it was our group's turn to do the presentation, where we present about Typography in  different mediums. Firstly is static typography which is a typography that just stays in one place without moving or not changing for a long time, and is one of a traditional type, examples include calligraphy. Secondly, is print typography typography being printed the way how the letters look like after printed. Screen typography is how the letters look like when they are being displayed on screen. Factors of it includes screen typography prefers legibility, because of the less resolution the computer screen has compared to print. Reading on a screen is like staring at the light bulb as it is back lit. Kinetic typography is the art of moving type, where it has two types motion and fluid typography .Motion typography elements move relative to one another within 2D or 3D. Fluid typography, is the transformation of typographic elements into non-typographic , it can transform into shapes and other other words. Environmental typography, is a typography that exist within the real environment, one of a very unique ways to communicate an idea, that thinks out of the box and the computer screen. Any materials can be used to create this typography like using food, pills, Styrofoam cups and others.


Project two.

For our project two, we need to make a poster, and collateral for a t shirt and Eco bag , where for the poster we need to include the contents, which Mr. Vinod posted on Facebook for us to refer to and below are my final outcome for it, which must be made in A2 size , which I edited the size in Adobe Illustrator for the poster.

The Design School,
Taylor’s University
The Troublemakers Manifesto: A Design Colloquium
Open Public Lectures:
November 8, 2019
Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM
Ezrena Mohd., 10AM-11AM
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM
Muthu Neduraman, 9AM-10AM
Fahmi Reza, 10AM-11AM
Fahmi Fadzil, 11AM-12PM

Lecture Theatre 12

Above are the final outcome PDF and pictures for t shirt, bag and poster for Troublemakers manifesto.

This is the link for the micro site.

'Micro site' fig 1.2

'Micro site' fig 1.3

'Micro site' fig 1.4

'Micro site' fig 1.5
'Micro site' fig 1.6

'Micro site' fig 1.7

'Micro site' fig 1.8


Week 7.
Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul commented that it is interesting and okay, but need to change the background ad it is unnecessary and start doing the next assignment.

You need to summarize your understanding of the lecture in a paragraph. If you want to compile the presentation slide as what you are doing now, please leave a caption below each slide. Your e portfolio is not well formatted. You need to differentiate a header and the body copy. There's no clear hierarchy in the information presented in your e portfolio. The caption should be clearer and not just giving number for the caption. You did not provided the final PDF of each exercise. E portfolio not complete.

Week 8.

Mr. Vinod told me to change the font size for the information because its too big and the change the size to 14pt and make a straight line and put it according to the line. The key artwork is not very clear especially on the wording. It's difficult to read the word manifesto with the legs behind the text. You should not have any background color as the key artwork needs to stand alone and be able to work well in any background.

Week 9.

General feedback : We are not supposed to put text contents for example, the name of the speakers using Adobe Photoshop, since its hard to put in using it and are recommended to use Adobe illustrator.

Week 10.

There was no feedback for week 10, since it was public holiday.

Week 11.

For my first idea to improve existing movie tickets, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul say, I must understand the machine that produce the tickets, because there is limitation of design it can print and also people these days just buy online and it might not be that effective if I design it. For the second idea of creating a design for Eco bag to use it instead of plastic bag , Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul told me that I can do this for my final project, and must at least design 10 designs for this and print at least one as an Eco bag.



Week 7.

I was glad that my design was approved this time and start working on Project two and search for references.

Week 8.

I did more research on internet Pinterest and other sites, for inspirations for project two and saw how the others did. I was also quite worried how to structure out my artwork in collateral forms.

Week 9.

It was challenging to make the design for t shirt and for bag as, it is very different from poster structure and I had to study on how to create it to look nice visually including the features of the key artwork.

Week 10.

I was working on my micro site, which was really hard and taking more time than I need. Where I try my best to arrange the structures of the site visually and went to print my t shirt and poster in a place called Print Expert.


Week 7.

I could find some good examples in Pinterest, on presenting the key frames and amazing designs done by famous graphic designers that can be good inspirations.

Week 8.

I saw how did other students did in the class and were fascinated with their outcomes, some had unique ideas and design.

Week 9.

I could find some good examples in p interest and look for examples of t shirt and bags in online shopping malls and saw how the t shirts are designed as and the use of space between the t shirt and the design.

Week 10.

I look for good examples of sites in Pinterest and saw lots of good works and I also look for ways to structure the micro-site. 


Week 7.

Mr. Vinod had suggested us to look for Shigeo Fukuda's poster designs, who is a famous graphic designer, where I could find really good artworks and found many inspirations.

Week 8.

I knew I still lack of skills and should do more research as much as I can by doing more research and inspirations done by famous designers, I try to change my design according to the feedback.

Week 9.

I found a lot of good examples from websites which I can help to improve my design, I try to make it look pleasant.

Week 10.

I was able to find a place to print the t shirt and poster for the final outcome in a place called "Print Expert". I also did some research for the final project idea to present.

Further Reading.

The Complete Manual of Typography.

There is a two basic kind of Fonts: Outline and Bit mapped Digital Devices, for example computer monitor screens, desktop printers, image setters, creating image out of dots. The simplest way to create type for one of these devices is to draw a picture of every character as an array of dots and store these drawings in a font. Then the device can copy those dots into place on the screen or page. When it first came out, each one of those dots was presented by one bit of computer data, a simple ways to say yes/no to whatever choice made. The outcomes of images were called bitmaps, and fonts using this trick called bit mapped fonts. Using Bitmaps can be a good method to use, however the more dots a bitmap contains, the more computer data it requires. For example, the number of dots grows geometrically, if the size of the image increases or the resolution of the device increases. Also, separating the bitmaps is required, for every size of type of font I want to create. And the bitmaps designed for one resolution will appear much smaller when imaged on a device with a higher resolution, where the dots are much smaller. Hundreds of bit mapped fonts would be needed to image a single typeface at the same range of sizes on a computer screen, a desktop printer and an image setter.
To solve this problem, it is to store the descriptions of characters as a set of outline drawings. Outline fonts, which do just this, store character images as outlines described mathematically as a series of curves and straight-line segments, called vectors. These outlines can be mathematically scaled to any size without distorting the shapes or proportions of the characters.
