Interactive Design Project 1.

Project 1.

Kim Chan Hee
Bachelor of Design in Creative Media.
Interactive Design Project one.

Lecture Notes.

Week 3.
For week 3 we learned about web standards.
Hardware and software issue:
There are variety of browsers, provided for the people to choose from, such as Microsoft internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, google chrome and others and a variety of operating systems like Windows and Mac Os. They mostly set to a wide variety of screen resolutions from 640 x 480 pixels to 1680 x 1050 pixels and even beyond it.

Web standards:
The website created would look different due to the different ways, the people access the web, unlike the way I see my website. Where the most important thing for the website is the content of it, and that makes it important that the users must be able to access it. So, we have to develop an accordance with the web standards, therefore should ensure that the websites work across all devices and configurations. We must comply with the standards and rules to increase the possibility for the people to access the site. We use the standard markup languages of HTML and CSS to create the website which is one of the standard of World Wide Web Consortium(W3C). The web standards help to make it easier for the browsers to understand the coding and help to display the website properly and accordingly, saving time.


Project one.

For our project one we were to design a landing page for anything we want using Adobe Illustrator with at least 3 sections. Where I decided to do a landing page about and artist I like 'Lana Del Rey', where after looking around and doing research about her. I  found out that she likes vintage concept, especially the 1950s. So, I decided that the landing page theme will be about vintage.

Project one 'Logo' fig 1.1

Project one fig 1.2

Project one  fig 1.3
Project one  fig 1.4
Project one 'Album cover' fig 1.5

Project one  fig 1.6

Above are the pictures used for Project one and below are the final outcome.


Project one  fig 1.7

However, after feedback I changed my landing page design using different images and below are my final outcome.

Project one fig 1.8


Week 3.

Mr. Shamsul, told me to arrange the sections neatly, and must improve on the readability and change the fonts accordingly and search for more good examples on the Pinterest.



Week 3.
I searched for more good examples of layout design in Pinterest and found some good inspirations to refer too and look around many official sites of the celebrities for inspirations too, as I was worried how to change and improve my design.


Week 3.
I saw how the other students did, where they did a good job on their design.


Week 3.
I was able to find many examples from Pinterest and the way how they structured their layouts accordingly and neatly and what are the factors that help to increase the readability of the website.

Further Reading.
