Project 1 Advanced Typography

Kim Chan Hee
Bachelor of Design(Honors) in Creative Media
Project one Advanced Typography.

Lecture Notes.

Week 5.

We learned about Typographic Perception & Organization and below are the lecture slides. The summary of the lecture
Contrast of size
- The bigger the size it brings more attention to the reader.

Contrast of weight
-The weight is how bold the types are, where bold types are more easier to read and refer to.

Contrast of form
-Contrast of form is about the difference between capital and its lowercase equivalent.

Contrast of structure
-The difference appearance of the typefaces, for example a mono line sans serif and traditional serif.

Contrast of texture
-Refers to how does the text looks above all from distance, with combination of weight,size, structure and form.

Week 6.

For week 6 we learned about Typographic Composition. First is about environmental composition , a type structure that visually express beyond the grids. Environmental grids is about abstracting a series of lines and shapes,using physical site as a grid.Alternate methods offer com positional options beyond traditional grids and the lack of preset spatial divisions allows intuition and experimentation. It is suitable for project with limited text. Examples include a right facing folio Green light fund 5 years progress report shows an improvise letter forms, words and lines create alignment points and guides that defines units and structure, also can be used for logotypes.

Week 7.

For week 7, it was our group's turn to do the presentation, where we present about Typography in  different mediums. Firstly is static typography which is a typography that just stays in one place without moving or not changing for a long time, and is one of a traditional type, examples include calligraphy. Secondly, is print typography typography being printed the way how the letters look like after printed. Screen typography is how the letters look like when they are being displayed on screen. Factors of it includes screen typography prefers legibility, because of the less resolution the computer screen has compared to print. Reading on a screen is like staring at the light bulb as it is back lit. Kinetic typography is the art of moving type, where it has two types motion and fluid typography .Motion typography elements move relative to one another within 2D or 3D. Fluid typography, is the transformation of typographic elements into non-typographic , it can transform into shapes and other other words. Environmental typography, is a typography that exist within the real environment, one of a very unique ways to communicate an idea, that thinks out of the box and the computer screen. Any materials can be used to create this typography like using food, pills, Styrofoam cups and others.


Project 1.

 Trouble Makers Manifesto.

For project one we were given an assignment to create a typography poster for the 'Troublemakers Manifesto', using image and as much as we want for this assignment. Mr. Vinod, wanted us to have minimum five idea sketches for the assignment, so I prepared five sketches for it. However, after getting feedback that my sketches are too negative and want it to be positive, I change my ideas and did two digitization among the sketches.

So, below are the pictures I use to edit and make the poster using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
Project one idea sketch 1.1

Project one 'Illustration Image'  1.2

Project one 'sculpture of Apollo' 1.3

Project one 'newspaper image' 1.4

Project one 'tape image' 1.5

Above are the images I used to edit and create the poster, which includes, tape png, sculpture of Apollo and others. Most of the pictures I found from Pinterest.
Project one 'final outcome version 1' 1.6

Project one 'final outcome version 2' 1.7

Project one 'final outcome version 3' 1.8

Project one 'final outcome version 4' 1.9

The main idea of this assignment is that I tried to put the character, 'Apollo', the Greece god of Arts, who also has a reputation of a 'troublemaker', getting punished by 'Zeus' his father in the myths stories. Which I thought would suite the image of a troublemaker, but at the same time a designer who loves arts and design. Where, as shown above I have did a collage combining his body parts with different elements and try out four versions for it with different colors.

Project one 'final outcome version 4' 1.10

This is my final outcome for project one.

Project one  1.11

This is another attempt done for project one, which is a heart burning with fire to express passion for design and determination.

After getting feedback I changed the background.

Project one final outcome Troublemakers Manifesto 1.12


Week 5.
Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul commented that the typefaces are too black and should add more shades to it and that it should be arrange more to make it more easier to read the letters, must increase readability.

Week 6.
Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul commented that my ideas are too negative and that I have to make more ideas with positive feelings to it.

Week 7.
Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul commented that it is interesting and okay, but need to change the background ad it is unnecessary and start doing the next assignment.

You need to summarize your understanding of the lecture in a paragraph. If you want to compile the presentation slide as what you are doing now, please leave a caption below each slide. Your eportfolio is not well formatted. You need to diffirentiate a header and the body copy. There's no clear hierarchy in the information presented in your eportfolio. The caption should be clearer and not just giving number for the caption. You did not provided the final PDF of each exercise. Eportfolio not complete.



Week 5.
I was fascinated by how the other people did for the poster 'the troublemakers manifesto', after seeing the seniors work and thought that I should do more research for ideas.

Week 6.
I was very worried since after feedback I have to change my whole ideas, since its not suitable for the assignment and did more research to understand the meaning of 'The Troublemakers Manifesto', and work on new ideas.

Week 7.
I was glad that my design was approved this time and start working on Project two and search for references.


Week 5.
It seems that some of the friends in our class, are gonna do characters that symbolize 'troublemakers', like skulls.

Week 6.
I walk around to see how the others did, after getting advice to look around and see others works , where I saw many fascinating and creative ideas and get to know how others understand about the topic.

Week 7.
I could find some good examples in Pinterest.


Week 5
As I searched the p interest for inspirations, I was able to find many examples of typography poster with an image and I searched for what symbolize troublemaker and manifesto for more ideas.

Week 6.
I came to understand clearly, that the 'the troublemakers manifesto', is not simply about the image of troublemaker villain, but more of a positive meaning about the designers who work hard to change the world by their creations.

Week 7.
Mr. Vinod had suggested us to look for Shigeo Fukuda's poster designs, who is a famous graphic designer, where I could find really good artworks and found many inspirations.

Further Readings.

Further Reading 'The field guide to typography' fig.2.1

I read about a book called "The field guide to Typography", where I learned about 'Baskerville'. Baskerville is one of the classic typeface which has its elegance,refinement and the perfection of its letter forms. The difference between Baskerville and Times New Roman is that Baskerville is the quintessential Transitional Serif, originating in the 18th century as a reaction to calligraphic forms of the type that proceeded, yet not as constructed and high contrast compare to other typefaces. Whereas, Times New Roman belongs to this same stylistic category and was created for the Times of London newspaper. Therefore its appearance is more modern and crisp, with a taller and narrower lowercase. Both are designed for text but, Baskerville is for a long reading book face and Times New Roman was designed for cheap paper and shorter texts of news.
