Final Project Video & Sound Production.

Final Project Video & Sound Production.

Kim Chan Hee 0334532
Bachelor in Design (Honors) in Creative Media
Final Project Video & Sound Production.

Final Project.

For our final project we were given a task to create a Stop Motion for one minute, where we are allowed to do in a group of two, so I decided to do with Wan Min, one of my friend taking the same module. First of all we decided our story line, where we got inspired fro a game called 'Ib', where in one of the endings of the game, the character turns into a painting, after entering the painting. So we, have an idea of the paintings turning alive.

Story-line of the Stop Motion.
The story starts with a girl standing in front of the painting of a beautiful cat, in the museum. While the girl is admiring the beauty of the cat, the cat suddenly moves and started to move towards the next portrait of an European lady.The girl, surprised and fascinated by it, run towards the second painting with excitement. Where the lady in the painting, smiles and picks up the cat and pat its head, she noticed the girl and waves the hand at her with a smile, the girl waves back. Then the lady put the cat down, where it move towards the painting of a boy wearing traditional Greece clothing, playing a small harp in a beautiful flower field. The boy notices the girl, and lend his hand to her which she took it with a smile, and a miracle happen as she was pulled into the painting, together the two of them, including the cat play around the flower field. However, the light in the museum started to get dimmer, and the boy looking startled touch the girl's shoulder with a sad look on his face. The girl realized its time to go back, as the museum is gonna close, which she didn't want to but have no choice, as the boy pushes her out of the painting. She opens her eyes with surprise and realized she is back to reality, as she woke up beside the painting of the boy, everything back to normal.


Mr.Martin told us to make an animatics using sketches, and make it into a video of one minute, so we drew on the paper, digitized it onto the computer using the tablet and make it into a video using Premiere Pro.

Above are the presentation slides and the Animatics video we made.

This is the process of us cutting the characters, for the stop motion.

This is process of us of how we took pictures for the stop motion in the studio.

This is process for the editing the video.

This is the first version for the stop motion.

This is the final outcome for the stop motion.
