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Minor Project Compilation Kim Chan Hee(0334532)

  Minor Project Compilation Kim Chan Hee (0334532) Minor Project Final Compilation Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Instructions Week 1 For the first week, we were brief about the module, where we were to form into five groups with six people each, the projects were to be collaborated with business and IT schools. The project I have chosen was the fourth project which is Teach for Malaysia. The teach for Malaysia is not-for-profit organisation on a mission to give all children in Malaysia the opportunity to attain an excellent education. The group members include Helen Angelia, Farah Syahirah, Amber(Lee Ga Hyeong),Catherine Starlie and Arissa Alyna.  Week 2 For week 2, Mr.Mike provided us google document , that we needed to fill. Which is about the process for the project and consultation reports.  Week 3 In week 3, we learned how to create Miro Board, where we can fill it with our ideas and process for the project and can share and edit it together with our group members.  We

Intercultural Design Final Project.

Intercultural Design Final Project. Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Final Project. Instruction. Final Project. This is our final slides of our outcome which is a book publication and an art installation. fig 1.1 Final Project fig 1.2 Final Project fig 1.3 Final Project

Information Design Project one & two

Information Design Project one. Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Project one & two Lectures. Lecture Three Presentation. Instruction. Project one. For our next project, we were to make a process info graphic poster that can be about any recipes and after making a poster we were to make a short animated video for it.Where after searching for different kinds of recipes , I decided to do a recipe on how to make a chocolate cupcake. fig 1.1 Project one & two This is the idea sketch for how to make the process info graphic poster. fig 1.2 Project one & two After, deciding on how to arrange it, I straight away started to make the poster using adobe illustrator, and above is the process picture using illustrator. fig 1.3 Project one & two This is the final outcome of the Process info graphic poster about how to make a chocolate cup cake. fig 1.4 Project one & two This is

Intercultural Design Project two

Intercultural Design Project two. Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Project two Instruction Project Two. For our trip to Japan, for data collection we first did an interview of my friend who live in Japan called Yuna, who lives near Tokyo. Where we did our interview in our hostel, for our interview we asked her about what actually is 'Omoiyari', and what is the meaning behind it. Where after the interview we realized that what we researched before was quite different from what an original Japanese local think of. Where compassion is just one of the element and that omoiyari is a way of expressing affection towards people without expecting anything in return from that person. fig 1.1 Project two  fig 1.2 Project two  fig 1.3 Project two  fig 1.4 Project two  fig 1.5 Project two  fig 1.6 Project two  So for our data collection,  we decided to go to different public places observe and take pictures of a

Information Design Final Project

Information Design Final Project Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Information Design Final Project Lectures. Lecture 4 & 5. Instruction Final Project. For the final Project, our main topic is about water, where we decided to make a video about "What if water disappear?". This is our mood board about the color palette, inspiration for character design and the fonts we are gonna use for our video. So, after doing research we made the script for our video and above is  the script for our video. fig 1.1 Final Project  fig 1.2 Final Project fig 1.3 Final Project  fig 1.4 Final Project  fig 1.5 Final Project Above are our drawings of the storyboard that we had planned, with description. fig 1.6 Final Project fig 1.7 Final Project fig 1.8 Final Project This is the process of making the illustrations that are gonna be used for our animated

Information Design Exercises

Kim Chan Hee(0334532) Bachelor in Design in Creative Media Information Design Exercises Lectures. Week 1. For week one, we present about Manuel Lima's 9 Directives Manifesto. Week 2. For week 2, flip topic two we present about Saul Wurman's L.A.T.C.H. Week 3. For week 3, we did a presentation about Miller's Law, about chunking. Instruction. Exercises. Exercise one. For exercise one, we were to make an info graph using either buttons or legos, where I chose buttons that are purple colour, for this exercise. So, first of all I arranged and separated the buttons into same types, to make it more easier to see and observe. Where below is the picture of the arranged buttons according to colour and size. fig 1.1 Exercise one After doing that, I try to figure out how to fit all the buttons in A4 paper, where I have separated into two sections, ' Buttons with two holes' and 'Buttons with four holes&

Intercultural Design Project one

Kim Chan Hee (0334532) Bachelor in Design in Creative Media Intercultural Design Lecture Notes. Week one. Week two. Instructions. Exercises. This is the Proposal Presentation slides for our idea.