Information Design Project one & two

Information Design Project one.

Kim Chan Hee 0334532
Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Project one & two


Lecture Three Presentation.


Project one.
For our next project, we were to make a process info graphic poster that can be about any recipes and after making a poster we were to make a short animated video for it.Where after searching for different kinds of recipes , I decided to do a recipe on how to make a chocolate cupcake.

fig 1.1 Project one & two

This is the idea sketch for how to make the process info graphic poster.

fig 1.2 Project one & two

After, deciding on how to arrange it, I straight away started to make the poster using adobe illustrator, and above is the process picture using illustrator.

fig 1.3 Project one & two

This is the final outcome of the Process info graphic poster about how to make a chocolate cup cake.

fig 1.4 Project one & two

This is the idea ketch on how to make the animated video.

fig 1.5 Project one & two

After finished making the poster, I used after effects to animate the info graphic, which is about just one minute video.

This is the you tube link for the final outcome of the animated video.
