Minor Project Compilation Kim Chan Hee(0334532)

  Minor Project Compilation

Kim Chan Hee (0334532)

Minor Project Final Compilation

Bachelor of Design in Creative Media


Week 1

For the first week, we were brief about the module, where we were to form into five groups with six people each, the projects were to be collaborated with business and IT schools. The project I have chosen was the fourth project which is Teach for Malaysia. The teach for Malaysia is not-for-profit organisation on a mission to give all children in Malaysia the opportunity to attain an excellent education. The group members include Helen Angelia, Farah Syahirah, Amber(Lee Ga Hyeong),Catherine Starlie and Arissa Alyna. 

Week 2

For week 2, Mr.Mike provided us google document , that we needed to fill. Which is about the process for the project and consultation reports. 

Week 3

In week 3, we learned how to create Miro Board, where we can fill it with our ideas and process for the project and can share and edit it together with our group members. 

Week 4

We begin to start using the Miro board where we had a group meeting and discussed about what to put in first, where we decided to fill in with the ones in the google doc.

Week 5

After getting feedback from Mr.Mike, we prepare for our online interview with Mr. Kevin, and stated down the interview questions on the Miro Board, unfortunately I wasn't able to participate in the interview due to class being clashed, so I made the interview report based on the answers.

Week 6

For week 6, we had a discussion about our ideas in the group meeting and filled the miro board with the problem statement, using the information that we have collected from the websites and interview.

Week 7 to week 10

We prepared for our proposal presentation to Mr.Kevin and did the presentation using zoom.

Week 11

Mr. Kevin gave us feedback for the presentation, where he wanted us to think out of the box and have more new creative ideas that they have never done it before , so we had another meeting and come out with our final idea which is to make an info graphic video.

Week 12- 14

We divided our parts for the final project, where me and Farah was to make the storyboard and help to create the final presentation slides.

What and why this programme?


Who are we (TFM) looking for?

Final Compilation

Infographic Video


What and why this programme?


Who are we (TFM) looking for?


Week 1

D- There was no briefing for the project.

I- Form into a group for the project

E- Through group discussion, we can come up with a variety of ideas, and divide our part based on our specialty. 

P- Brainstorm and form a group more carefully.

Week 2

D: The lecturer introduce us about Design Thinking,by showing us the video and we did a research about Teach For Malaysia

I- The video show us how to deal with problems and come up with solutions, based on the google docs given

E- The google doc guides us on how to start the project, with given steps and the explanation on which we can refer to.

P- This method helps us to brainstorm ,in doing projects.

Week 3

D- Mr. Mike introduced and  show us how to use the Miro Board for our project

I- Miro Board acts as a tool, to help us organize our ideas and Problem statement 

E-The Miro Board allows more than one person to edit at the same time, and is equipped with other tools to make the board more pleasing to look at.

P- Learning how to use Miro Board will be very useful to apply in future projects.

Week 4

D- We did our research on the Teach for Malaysia, by watching the youtube videos and sites, and made the Miro Board according to the information we have gained, but from the feedback by Mr.Mike there was a misunderstanding about the “non-profit organization”.

I- Mr.Mike gave us feedback , on doing the miro board and we felt challenged as we had misunderstood the concept

E- We were to be extra more careful when reading and writing the answers,and develop more understanding about the questions

P- I need to have more observation, when doing research and reading the questions to gain a more clear understanding in the future.

Week 5

D- We gained more understanding from the interview, about the purpose of the orgainzation and was clear of what we should need to do for the project to solve the problem.

I - As I did the interview report, I learned about the background of how Teach For Malaysia started and the fellowship programmes, such as what are the requirements to join the programme.

E- The interview helped us a lot in understanding about the organization.

P- I would be able to use this method in my future projects.

Week 6

D- We have watched the youtube videos and collected information based on our observation.

I- We had organized our ideas based on Mr.Mike’s feedback during the consultation

E- We focused more on research, as it is the  most basic but most important when doing a project.

P-Doing research will help us to do it more conveniently  in the future,for other projects.

Week 7

D- We divided our parts and made the slides for the presentation during the group meeting.

I- As we prepared the google slides for the meeting with Mr.Kevin, we went through and learned about the customer journey map and discussed it.

E- We researched about other ways to solve the problem other than only searching about TFM and planned our ideas based on the information we collected.

P- Learning how to use the customer journey map helped us a lot, such as what are the wants and needs and will be well used in the future projects.

Week 8

D- We continued to prepare for our presentation and improve the customer journey map 

I- The customer journey map was created to make it easier to apply for us to do the project and for Mr.Kevin to see what we have come up with for the project.

E- We were able to understand more about the customer’s point of view after listening how to do the customer journey map

P- The customer journey map will help us to understand more in customer’s point of view and improve the quality of customer’s service when doing the project in the future.

Week 9

D- After getting the feedback, we changed and improve the slides according to the feedback

I- During the consultation, Mr.Mike told us not to show the moodboards yet as we need to get our idea confirmed first then we can start working on it.

E- We learned how to more wisely prepare for the presentation to the clients

P- By experiencing through different situations and learning how to come up with an idea surely would help me more in the future.

Week 10

D- We had done our presentation to Mr.Kevin and got feedbacks and opinions from Mr.Kevin about our ideas

I- Mr.Kevin wanted us to think outside of the box, as things we had proposed have been already done and wanted a more clear solution for it, where we thought that we should think in more deeper into the problem

E- By doing the presentation and proposing to Mr.Kevin, I learned how to dealt with the clients and receive the feedbacks

P- This experience will help me to deal and propose the ideas to future clients through presentation

Week 11

D- After the meeting, we were to prepare email questions for an interview to Mr.Kevin 

I- More research was done to create the interview questions based on the infographic videos that we were gonna make.

E- Based on Mr.Kevin’s answers we collected more information, for making the infographic video.

P- Even though there was a lack of time, we still managed to do the email interview, this kind of experience will help us to deal with future situations that will be rushed.

Week 12

D- We divided our parts after getting feedback, and started working on the infographic video

I- The script was first written, combined by the informations that we collected from interviews and others.

E- We were assigned to create storyboard based on the script written, guided by Helen

P- We learned how to make the storyboard based on the script

Week 13

D- We were to fix some parts in the storyboard based on the feedback given by our lecturer from the consultation

I- We fixed the scenes by not using the question mark sign, and making it more simpler by using more icons to make the infographic video more easier to understand.

E- I did some research for more images to refer it in making the storyboard

P- By doing the storyboard based on the feedback, this will help me to do a more improved storyboard in the future.

Week 14

D -  After done with the storyboard, the other members started to work on digitizing  and illustrations

I - We were able to organize more from getting the feedback from Mr.Mike

E -  I helped in doing the final presentation slides, while others work on the infographic video

P -  We learned how to organize and work as a team by dividing our parts, which will help in doing group projects.
