
Showing posts from October, 2019

Project two Advanced Typography.

Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Bachelor of Design (Honors) in Creative Media. Project Two Advanced Typography. Lecture notes. Week 7. For week 7, it was our group's turn to do the presentation, where we present about Typography in  different mediums. Firstly is static typography which is a typography that just stays in one place without moving or not changing for a long time, and is one of a traditional type, examples include calligraphy. Secondly, is print typography typography being printed the way how the letters look like after printed. Screen typography is how the letters look like when they are being displayed on screen. Factors of it includes screen typography prefers legibility, because of the less resolution the computer screen has compared to print. Reading on a screen is like staring at the light bulb as it is back lit. Kinetic typography is the art of moving type, where it has two types motion and fluid typography .Motion typography elements move relative to one ano

Project one Sound Production.

Project one Sound Production. Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Bachelor in Design(Honors) in Creative Media. Project one Sound Production. Project one. This is Eq one  This is Eq two  This is Eq three  This is Eq four  This is Eq five This is Eq six This is the link for Telephone sound. This is the link for Closet sound. This is the link for stadium announcer. This is the link for punch sound. This is the link for the explosion sound.

Final Project Video & Sound Production.

Final Project Video & Sound Production. Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Bachelor in Design (Honors) in Creative Media Final Project Video & Sound Production. Final Project. For our final project we were given a task to create a Stop Motion for one minute, where we are allowed to do in a group of two, so I decided to do with Wan Min, one of my friend taking the same module. First of all we decided our story line, where we got inspired fro a game called 'Ib', where in one of the endings of the game, the character turns into a painting, after entering the painting. So we, have an idea of the paintings turning alive. Story-line of the Stop Motion. The story starts with a girl standing in front of the painting of a beautiful cat, in the museum. While the girl is admiring the beauty of the cat, the cat suddenly moves and started to move towards the next portrait of an European lady.The girl, surprised and fascinated by it, run towards the second painting with excitement.