Illustration and Visual narrative Decisive Moment assignment.

Decisive Moment.

Contentment in Age

Retirement Home Monologue.

The interviewer and the man sat together for the interview. The interview begin with the man talking about how his mother worked hard crossing between China and Malaysia.

The man talked about how his life change from his childhood to until the present as time past. How he used to have big dreams at young age, which become smaller and more simple.

Rising Action.
He then talk more about his thoughts about life, as he answered what is the most important values in life. He said he don’t really think he have much to say about such general questions and said he just accept and live as it doesn’t really matter as it is a waste of time to spend on problems that can’t be fixed.

He talks about what is the key to happiness, which he replied is his sister whom he find comfort from and who is always by his side a big part of his life and also his friends.

The interview ended with the last question, whether he is happy. Which he replied,’Am I happy?Of course I am. 'Why wouldn’t I be?’, that indicates that he is quite satisfy with his life.

This is the final outcome for the assignment illustration using adobe illustrator. For this illustration I wanted to express the main character’s longing mind of missing his childhood and his mother, where he used to have big ambition,  dreams when he was as a child. Where I put the main character in the upper part with clear blue sky to show the present and put the main character as a child with his mother in the background of a sunset to Express those feelings of longing and past. Also the white bird symbolizes peace.

After the final outcome, I used photoshop to animate the final outcome for the decisive moment assignment .
