Final Project Design principle.

Final Project Design Principle.
25 June - 10 July
Kim Chan Hee 0334532

Final Project.

For our final project we were to create any media that we want by inspiring from billboards that we have to find for ourselves and take a picture, where I took many pictures of billboards in the car on the way to the airport.

Where among the billboards that I have took pictures of I chose this billboard as my inspiration below.Which is a billboard advertising about doors that have dinosaurs together with it.

Where I got the idea of doing a surrealism of a girl doing a time travel to the age of the dinosaurs through using a door as some kind of a time machine.

This are the progress of my final project, where I used watercolors because I like to use it and wanted to add and mix lots of colors for the final project.

Finally this is my final outcome for the final project, where in the illustration I kind of mashup by putting gradation of the present world and the ages of the dinosaurs putting the door in the middle to clearly show the girl is doing time travel through the door. Where to add a story to it the girl is escaping the ages of dinosaurs because of the volcano explosion to the present world she live by riding on a flying dinosaur.
Where I made the present world at night to create a contrast between the dinosaur world and the present world the girl lives in.

Above are the images I have referred to when drawing the final sketch for the final project where I found them in pinterest except for the last picture of the door which I took myself at home.
