

8/30/2019 (Week 1)
Kim Chan Hee (0334532)
Design Research Methodology

Lecture Notes.
Week 1.

Week 2.




Week 1.

Ms.Hayati and Ms.Jinchi  gave us the briefing about the module and told us to do a research on what kind of research topic I want to do for this module, based on my specialization I am gonna choose in the future. So, I went on and search for what kind of research topics I want to do, based on graphic design. Where I decided to do a topic on "Trends of graphic design" or about "Surrealism design", however after getting feedback from Ms.Jinchi I decided to change my topic.

Week 2. 
I changed my topic to "Subliminal Messages in Advertisement", because as a graphic designer, I wanted to work in an advertisement company in the future, where I would need to learn more on advertisement techniques, where using subliminal message is one of them.Which I got confirm by Ms.Jinchi for it.

Week 3.
For week 3, I went to ask Ms.Jinchi on about my proposal, and got feedback for the proposal, which I did a research on for more research papers and articles.

Week 4.
This is my final outcome for the proposal.

After feedback I corrected the proposal according to the feedback.


Week 2.
Theme:How effective or ineffective subliminal messages are in advertisement . Feedback:Miss Jinchi commented that I should find examples of a same product that had both advertisement that was effective and ineffective, containing subliminal messages and told that I need to do more research.
Week 3.
Ms.Jinchi commented that my research question should be , what makes it effective or ineffective the subliminal messaging, must find objectives and how it works on social design and campaigns and define how the concept works on people whether emotionally or in action.
Week 4.

There was no feedback due to cancellation of class.

Feedback for the proposal.
• Research Theme: Must be from the given 3 (Design Culture & Design Principles/Future-Making/Social Design)
• Research Topic: Should be “Subliminal Messages in Advertisements”
• Research Problem: Be specific – is it advertisements or campaigns? Match that to the topic accordingly.
• Problem Statement: First paragraph, paraphrase instead of quoting verbatim. Even so, citation is required. Second paragraph needs to be summarised – what are your main points there? Final line – behavioural studies is not relevant to your specialisation. Relook into your area of study.
• Citations: Must be in APA style.
• Research Objectives: RO1. Be specific (either advertisements or campaigns). RO2. Reword to reflect area of study (NOT behavioural).
• Research Questions: Match to each RO when the ROs are amended.
• References: Have more recent research articles, about 5-7 years back. Referencing must be in APA style.
