Final Project Interactive Design

Final Project

Kim Chan Hee
Bachelor of Design in Creative Media.
Interactive Design Final Project

Lecture Notes


Final Project

For our final project we had to make a website, after forming a partner, who for me was wan min, and she told me to make five pages of Home, About, Illustrations, Contact and Journal.

Journal fig 1.1

Journal fig 1.2

Journal fig 1.3

Journal fig 1.4

The pictures above are what she sent to me in messenger for the journal page.

Illustrations fig 1.5

Illustrations fig 1.6

Illustrations fig 1.7

Illustrations fig 1.8

Illustrations fig 1.9

Illustrations fig 1.10

This is what she sent for Illustrations page, the first three are the illustrations she drew' and the other last three are the illustrations she like.

logo fig 1.11
This is the logo she made for the website.

Color Palette 1.12

This is the color palette Wan Min wanted for the website.

About fig 1.13

This is the picture I took for the About page, since she said she didn't really have the right picture of her for the website.

This is the bootstrap theme I used for the final project.

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.14

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.15

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.16

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.17

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.18

This is the link and screenshots for home page the final project outcome.

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.18

This is screen grab of the contact page.

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.19

This is screen grab of the about page.

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.20

This is screen grab of the contact page.

Wan Min's Design Journal fig1.21

This is screen grab of the journal page.




I was glad that I can use bootstrap theme for final project, but still was hard to do the coding and adjusting it as what I wanted, where there were lots of errors to fix for each page.


I observe on how to do the coding for many functions in website like W3 schools, for like how to put a map and others. Also, I try to search for good examples of websites in Pinterest for reference.


I was able to find good bootstrap themes in the bootstrap website, which I could use for final project but it was hard to put in pictures and adding coding for other structures, some were very complicated to use.

Further Reading.
