Typography exercises.

Lecture 2
April 12, 2019
Kim Chan Hee 0334532

Lecture notes.
Week 1.
5 April 2019.
In our first lecture, our lecturers Mr.Vinod and Mr.Shamsul gave us a briefing about the module and what we are gonna do for semester one and what is really important to achieve what we have learned from the module. Also, they brief us about the e-portfolio blog which is very important for our semester. Where they teach us how to create a blog using WordPress and show us an example of the senior's one as a reference for us to get an idea of it. Furthermore, they show us how to create a post and other instructions in using for the blog. They also brief us about what we have to do for our first exercise which is to create typography designs that well express our personality using our names for it.

Week 2.
12 April 2019.
We learned about what really is typography and the definition of it. Where typography is a way to express and communicate in written words and helps to analyze and evaluate words. Also, important terminology of typography includes, Font, typeface and type family. Where typeface is an individual type and type family is an entire family of fonts that share similar characteristics.

Week 3.
19 April 2019.
In week 3 we learned about  Basic/ describing letterforms, where there are lots of terms for it and knowing a letterform's component parts help us to identify specific typefaces more easily.
Baseline- The imaginary line the visual base of the letterforms.
Median- The imaginary line defining the x-height of letterforms.
X-height- The height in any typeface of the lowercase 'x'.
Stroke-  Any line that defines the basic letterforms
Apex/ Vertex- The point created by joining two diagonal stems, the apex is above and the vertex is below.
Arm- Short strokes off the stem of the letterform, either horizontal like 'E' or inclined upward like 'K'.
Ascender- The portion of the stem of a lowercase letterform that projects above the median.
Barb- The half-serif finish on some curved stroke.
Beak- The half-serif finish on some horizontal arms.
Bowl- The rounded form that describes a counter. The bowl may be either open or closed.
Crotch- The interior space where two strokes meet.

Week 4.
26 April 2019.
For lecture in week 4, we learned about the Development/Timeline of typography. Early development of letterform (Phoenician to Roman) includes a simple combination of straight lines and pieces of circles, as the materials and tools of early writing, required. Later, the Greeks changed the direction of writing. Phoenicians, like other Semitic peoples, wrote from right to left.
Boustrophedon- lines of text read alternately from right to left and left to right.
Hand script from 3rd to 10th-century C.E-Square capitals was the written version that can be found in Roman monuments. These letterforms have serifs added to the finish of the main strokes. A compressed version of square capitals, rustic capitals allowed for twice as many words on a sheet of parchment and took far less time to write. The pen or brush was held at an angle of approximately 30° off the perpendicular. Although rustic capitals were faster and easier to, they were slightly harder to read due to their compressed nature.


Exercise 1.
We were to create sketches of our names based on our personality. Where the personality I chose to express was `positive mind’, as I tend to think positive even though something bad happens or not. First of all, I did some rough sketches of my name personalized after choosing one personality and chose ten of it as my final design to submit in the lecture.
Idea sketch for 'positive' fig 1.1
idea sketch 'positive' fig 1.2

Above are the rough idea sketches of what I drew consisting of different personalities, mostly positive mind.
final sketch 'positive' fig.3

final sketch 'positive' fig 1.4
These are my final 10 idea sketches for exercise 1 all expressing one of my personality ‘positive mind’.

Exercise 2.
I digitize my typography that was confirmed by the teachers into the computer using adobe illustrator.
Digitized version 'positive' fig.2.1

Where here is my final work of digitized typography, expressing the personality of 'Positive mind'.

Exercise 3.
I made an animated gif using the typography I made for my personality, and name using illustrator and photoshop, using lots of frames to create it. Where I tried to make it from negative to positive, small to big to give the effects of positiveness even though there are negative things happening too.
Chan Hee gif 'positive' fig.3.1

Exercise 4.
For our exercise 4, we were to use typefaces from type family given by the lecturers to create typography expressing the word angry, faint, hungry, loop, levitate and freeze. Where below are the
ones I made using those type of space. Where the typeface I used for
Loop: Gill sans std- shadowed
Freeze: Gill Sans Std- light shadowed
Faint: Futura Std- Light Oblique
Bounce: Univers LT Std 85 Extra Black
Hungry: Serifa Std- 65 bold
bounce final design fig.4.1

faint final design fig.4.2

angry final design fig.4.3

loop final design fig.4.4

Hungry final design fig.4.4
freeze final design fig 4.5

Exercise 5.
For our exercise 5, we were to choose one of our design and make it into a gif, where I chose the hungry design and try to express the growling of our stomach when we are hungry like an alarm making it look like the words are vibrating.
Hungry gif fig.5.1

Week 1.
Mr.Vinod and Mr, Shamsul, approved my design as it had described positiveness well the personality 'positive mind', and told me to go work on digitizing the typography that I made.

Week 2.
Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul commented that my design was okay with all those little hearts that express the positiveness of a personality and told me to start work on animating the digitize work that I did.

Week 3.
Mr.Shamsul said my first attempt of the gif didn't really show anything about my personality 'positiveness' and suggested that I may express the typography from negative to positive, small to big.

Week 4.
Mr, Vinod, and Mr. Shamsul told that my exercises using typefaces of the hungry, loop, freeze, faint are okay but commented that the angry might be more exaggerated to express the word and that levitate should be changed since its floating and make it more look like its levitating.

Week 2.
Well, at first it was difficult for me to digitize my design sketches into the illustrator because I was just a beginner and had some time to figure out how to do but was glad to manage to finish it.

I observe that I should do more research on different types of designing and improve my understanding of it and how to express my personality.

I thought that I really need to practice more on how to use illustrator as I had struggled a lot when digitizing it, so that next time I can do more better work on digitizing my design.

Week 3.
I had difficulty in trying to create a gif, as I was not sure what really would be suitable to express my personality as a gif.

I need to work harder and quicker on my work.

That I should look for more examples and try as many different attempts to express my personality into a gif, based on the feedback and do more idea sketches.

Week 4.
I was glad that most of the design was approved and I need to research more on how to improve my design.

My process is a bit slow, so need to be quicker.

I need to research more on the meaning of levitating as I express it wrongly by making it look like it is floating.

Further Reading.
Week 1.

The book is called ‘Type player’: Type as an experiment, type as image.
The book consists of many creative designs created by professional designers and interviews of their work and how they get inspired from where most of them encourage us to get inspirations from anywhere like maybe what I love to do, people I met, random things I find, movies and others. Where the above picture was designed from ‘Sixstation workshop’, where the designer expresses its uniqueness and personality of the brand ‘FAYTE’, by understanding the purpose of tge fashion brand which are about exploring the relationship between the world and our lives. Which the designer combined Chinese character with two words, one about fatalism and other about randomness which together became ‘life’, show me and inspired me which way is very important to point to become a good designer.
