Assignment Design Principle

Kim Chan Hee

Exercise 7.
For our exercise 7, we were to make a collage by cutting out things from anything. Where I bought some magazines for it, and while looking through it I decided to make a collage about Goddesses of moon Artemis.

                            These are the magazines I used to make a collage.

                               These are the cut-out items ready to be used.

                                                            First layer for the collage.

                              Second layer for collage.

                          The final outcome for exercise 7. A woman wearing a long lace dress is the goddesses of the moon where I put the background of the night sky with a moon and below there are the maidens who worship the goddesses watching her.This piece represents Harmony in the way that these things might be different yet they all work together and I tried to match the colors together.

Ms.Sherry commented that I have shown movement by the huge dress and flowers that up to down and shown harmony by unifying the different features into one.

Exercise 6.
For our exercise six we were to make an illustration using lines and dots , where I decided to draw a person drawing a model that became alive wearing traditional Korean clothes called hanbok which I used dots with watercolor and lines to draw the human face and the behind traditional Korean furniture called byeongpoong with some patterns made of lines to make it look more less empty.

Below are the references I used for the assignment.

Ms.Sherry told me that it looks nice and okay with the colors used.

Exercise 5。
Exercise five was a photography exercise where we had to take a picture that contains perspectives, alignment, and hierarchy. Where I decided to take a perspective picture of the apartment corridor railings in a different angle so it may actually look like a person can walk through that path but actually, it's not and to make it look like the building is upside down too.

Exercise 4.
The topic for our exercise four was to make a pattern using materials like vegetables, fruits, feathers, and others, on an A4 paper. Where I used Red bell pepper by cutting it into the quarter size and stamping it twice to make it look like a flower and used different kinds of watercolors to make it look colorful.

Exercise 3.
The topic of our exercise 3 was to do an asymmetry or symmetry illustration using watercolor on a white A4 paper. Where I decided to do an asymmetry which I more preferred and draw an astronaut surfing on the sea of the galaxy, with floating planets on its side. Where the reason I chose this idea was that when I was told to use watercolor, I immediately thought of galaxy as I always have loved to use watercolor to paint it, and I wanted to create a person surfing with freedom in my dream place.
Where I tried to use lots of colors on it to make it feel more like watercolors, spreading with a mixture of each different colors and below are my final outcome for the exercise.

Also, those below are my references for my exercise where I searched for a person surfing poses an astronaut to use its clothing as reference.

Ms.Sherry told me that the colors are vibrant and that the exercise is okay.

Exercise 2.
For our exercise 2, we were to make a gestalt, which is an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts, using a black marker on a white A4 paper. Where I decided to do it based on food since I love to eat food and thought that not really many people would make it based on it. I wanted to combine mouth, teeth with the food, so I researched what kind of food would be suited to be combined with teeth, and that was how I decided to use hamburger. Which would make the gestalt look more natural and more straightforward to catch what I was trying to show in it.
All those above are the references I used to draw the gestalt that I found from Pinterest.

These are my final outcome of gestalt I made with the teeth showing off like a patty in between the hamburger.

Ms.Sherry commented that I could have used up more of the white space and made the hamburger bigger, so that there are little leftovers of the white space and make it more stand out.

Exercise 1.

We were given an assignment to any design by cutting out black or white paper and stick it on black or white paper, as a contrast to each other.

Where I thought of making a human portrait, with hair decorated with roses which inspired me as I love the patterns of roses and decided to make a 3D rose by using a paper spiral method suggested by Ms.Sherry, after giving feedbacks of the idea sketch for the assignment.

So, firstly I cut out a circle from the black paper and cut the circle into spirals, after that I rolled the spiral to make it shaped like a rose and used glue and tape to secure the flower so it won't fall apart.
This is the result of my final work for the black and white contrast.

Ms. Sherry said that the roses as 3D dimensional were quite nicely made although, I had to stick the roses more firmly to prevent it from falling off the paper.
