
Showing posts from April, 2019

Typography exercises.

Lecture 2 April 12, 2019 Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Lecture notes. Week 1. 5 April 2019. In our first lecture, our lecturers Mr.Vinod and Mr.Shamsul gave us a briefing about the module and what we are gonna do for semester one and what is really important to achieve what we have learned from the module. Also, they brief us about the e-portfolio blog which is very important for our semester. Where they teach us how to create a blog using WordPress and show us an example of the senior's one as a reference for us to get an idea of it. Furthermore, they show us how to create a post and other instructions in using for the blog. They also brief us about what we have to do for our first exercise which is to create typography designs that well express our personality using our names for it. Week 2. 12 April 2019. We learned about what really is typography and the definition of it. Where typography is a way to express and communicate in written words and helps to analyze and evaluate

Assignment Design Principle

Kim Chan Hee 0334532 Exercises. Exercise 7. For our exercise 7, we were to make a collage by cutting out things from anything. Where I bought some magazines for it, and while looking through it I decided to make a collage about Goddesses of moon Artemis.                             These are the magazines I used to make a collage.                                These are the cut-out items ready to be used.                                                             First layer for the collage.                               Second layer for collage.                           The final outcome for exercise 7. A woman wearing a long lace dress is the goddesses of the moon where I put the background of the night sky with a moon and below there are the maidens who worship the goddesses watching her.This piece represents Harmony in the way that these things might be different yet they all work together and I tried to match the colors together. Feedback. Ms.S