Video&Sound Production exercises Kim Chan Hee

Video&Sound Production.

Kim Chan Hee 0334532
Bachelor of Design(Honors) in Creative Media.
Video&Sound Production Exercises.


Week 1.

Mr.Martin gave us an introduction about our modules and that we are gonna learn how to make a Stop motion as our assignment, and told use to search for three stop motions that we like and get inspired from, so below are the three stop motions I have chose.

1. Zero
I like the way how the video contains a message about discrimination,prejudice,hope and that with determination and love, there is nothing that can't be overcome.Also, I like the details of the background and the characters together with sound effects that makes it more easier to emphasize on the story.

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 2.Maker vs Marker
This is a simple video of a fight scene between a hand the maker and the marker a character from the street fighter series where I like it how the video takes place only using a paper, marker and a human hand and the way how the movements are very smooth with the sound effect.

I was very impressed with the sound effects used which were very accurate and neat, and I like the way how the objects turned into different new shapes in a creative way and thought that it was very detailed and quite addictive to watch.

Week 2.

Video Production.
For week 2, we learn how to trim and overlapped the video and make it to 50 seconds, not more than a minute and below are the final outcome of the video.

Story Motion idea proposal.
From the three videos of Stop motion videos, I was inspired to give an idea of giving a message that even though life may give you lemons and there will be many obstacles, you can still find small things that give you happiness and motivates you to overcome the hardships. Where I will use clay to create the people(characters) and some items and use paper as a mix to make the background. Below are the example(screen capture)  from a stop motion motion video of how we are gonna make the character .

The Brief rough story line of the stop motion will be about the daily life of a person, where a person wakes up from his bed and goes to work to start the day, where he get stresses from his boss who always yelled at him in the workplace and from working until late night and goes back home in an exhausted state, but on the way back home he meets a neighbor who gives him some snacks to eat which, this kind of small kindness helps him to gain energy and feel more positive and the video will end with the scene of the main character going back to sleep.

Exercise two.

We had to edit the videos into 50 seconds, like how the original video looks like from Jessica jones using adobe premiere pro and below are my process for it.

This is the final outcome for exercise two.

Exercise one for Sound Production.

For first exercise for sound production, were to edit the other 6 tracks given to sound the same like the original track, where it was my first time to use Adobe Audition, where we use the Filter an d Eq and opened Parametric Equalizer to edit the sound tracks given.

This is the final outcome for the first EQ.

This is the second EQ.

This is the third EQ.

This is the fourth EQ.

This is the fifth EQ.

This the sixth EQ.

Week 3.
For exercise 2 for Sound production,we were given an exercise to edit the sample voice given to make it sound like an announcer talking in the stadium, by using Adobe Audition opening the filter and eq and Parametric Equalizer to edit the sample voice given by adding echoes too to make it like the voice is echoing in the stadium. Where below are the final outcome screen capture of the Parametric Equalizer.

Week 3.

For week 3, Mr.Martin taught us the various types of shoots, camera angles, subject angles and storytelling in film. The types of shots are ,extreme wide shot, wide shot, medium wide shot,medium shot,medium close up, off the shoulder shot, close up shot and extreme closeup shot.Where we were told to practice shooting in a group of three and below are the final outcome for it.

This is the link for the video I have uploaded.
