
Showing posts from May, 2019

First Project.

Kim Chan Hee 0334532. Typography Project one Text Formatting and expression. Week 6 May 13th 2019 Lecture Notes. Week 6. 10 May 2019. We didn't really have our lecture as we had to improve our blogs for typography. Instructions. First project. Week 6. For our first project, we were told to make a layout design using typography for a magazine article named 'First things first manifesto 2000', using Indesign with the typefaces in the given type families. We were required to do 3 designs of it. First Project 'First things first Manifesto 2000' fig 6.1 First Project 'First things first Manifesto 2000'  fig 6.2 This is my first design for a magazine layout, where I tried using the number one in the middle as 'I' the alphabet that is inside both the word 'first', so there would be more impact in the number one. For the second design, I tried to place the alphabets differently, by putting the nu